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MERIT LI-LIN FASTDOME PROTOCOL FOR MAIN CABINET AND RECEIVER 1. Description: The receiver and cabinet communicates by standard RS-485 interface. UART Format: None parity bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, baud rate: 9600 bps Main cabinet in active mode, whereas receiver in passive mode. 2. From the system after - reset. Main cabinet will send out 3 byte to receiver then receiver response 3 bytes right away. Note 1. For error - correction consideration such as code missing. As receiver get the first code then it must calculate how much time to get other two. definitely in 2.5 ms. On the other hand , receiver response 3 codes in 4 ms. Note 2. NO-KEY command - To stop (Pan Right /Pan Left / Tilt Up / Tilt Down / Focus Far / Focus Near / Zoom In / Zoom Out / Iris Large / Iris Small ) movement enter OFFh for 3rd byte. Example: Bytel=ID address, Byte2=00h, Byte3=0FFh Note 3. To start AUTO PAN status, 3rd byte in the TYPE A command must be entered as OAh. Please refer to page 2. Note 4. There are 2 ways to stop AUTO PAN status. a. 3rd byte in the TYPE A command must be entered as OAh. Please refer to page 2. b. 3rd byte in the TYPE D command must be entered as 0D2h. Please refer to page 3.
CODE DEFINITION [Byte 1 [Receiver Address 001h - 040h Byte 2 | Control Byte 1 | Bit - 0 = PAN Right Bit -1 = PAN Left Bit - 2 = TILT Up Bit - 3 = TILT Down Bit - 4 = ZOOM Tele Bit - 5 = ZOOM Wide Bit - 6 = FOCUS Far Bit - 7 = FOCUS Near | Byte 3 | Control Byte 2 | Explain as below ( Bit 7.........Bit 0 ) |
TYPE A : 0000XXXX AUX RELAY CONTROL (High nibble bit 7,6,5,4 be 0 ) Bit - 3 0 - Relay ON , 1 - Toggle Bit -2 | Bit -1 | Bit - 0 | Relay Identification | FastDome type | Receiver type | | | | IRIS Large | Relay ON | Relay ON | | | | IRIS Small | Relay ON | Relay ON | | | | AUTO PAN | Toggle | Toggle | | | | LIGHT or CAM ESC | Relay ON | Relay ON | | | | SPRAY or IR filter Swap | Relay ON | Relay ON | | | | WIPER or LENS SPEED | Relay ON | Relay ON | | | | AUX 1 or CAM SETUP | Relay ON | Relay ON / Toggle | | | | AUX 2 or 180° Flip | Relay ON | Relay ON / Toggle |
Note 1: When a relay on ( non toggle status ) code received, the corresponding relay is triggered on immediately. As soon as the receiver does not continue to receive the same code, relay will be turned off after 500ms delay. To turn off immediately, NO-KEY command sent. Note 2: To activate or stop AUTO PANfunction : When first 0Ah command sent, receiver will active AUTO PAN function. Receiver will send auto pan ON status response back to system immediately. When 2nd 0Ah command sent, receiver will stop AUTO PAN function. And receiver will send auto pan OFF status response back to system immediately. Note 3: For 07h command in speed dome configuration is for FLIP function. 07h command in receiver configuration is for AUX2 input. Note 4: For PIH-7625 series speed dome, 06h command is to activate on screen display setup menu. 03h command is to exit on screen display setup menu. Note 5: For PIH-7625 series speed dome, enter 05h command once to activate the manual focus, zoom and iris speed in the OSD SET-UP MENU. Enter 05h command again to exit and return to factory default speeds. Note 6: For PIH-7625 series speed dome, Increment hotkey to control IR filter function change. Enter 04h command 1st time then IR filter will be On. Enter the same code 2nd time IR filter will be Off. Enter the 3rd time IR filter will be Auto.
TYPE B : 10XXXXXX SPEED CHANGE FOR PAN AND TILT Joystick operation PAN/TILT speed (8 step speed) Bit 7 = l Bit 6 = 0 Bit 5 | Bit 4 | Bit 3 | TILT Speed | PIH-717X | PIH-7000/7600 | | | | | 0.2°/sec | 0.2°/sec | | | | | 2°/sec | 2°/sec | | | | | 8°/sec | 8°/sec | | | | | 20°/sec | 20°/sec | | | | | 50°/sec | 50°/sec | | | | | ll0°/sec | 90°/sec | | | | | 200°/sec | l30°/sec | | | | | 360°/sec | l80°/sec | Bit 2 | Bit 1 | Bit 0 | PAN Speed | PIH-717X | PIH-7000/7600 | | | | | 0.2°/sec | 0.2°/sec | | | | | 2°/sec | 2°/sec | | | | | 8°/sec | 8°/sec | | | | | 20°/sec | 20°/sec | | | | | 50°/sec | 50°/sec | | | | | ll0°/sec | 90°/sec | | | | | 200°/sec | l30°/sec | | | | | 360°/sec | l80°/sec |
TYPE C: 1110XXXX AUTO PAN GROUP SET Bit 3 Run group 4 Bit 2 Run group 3 Bit 1 Run group 2 Bit 0 Run group l TYPE D : SPECIFIC CODE 11010100 Trigger Auto IRIS 11010101 Trigger Auto FOCUS 11010010 Stop Auto PAN 11010000 Privacy Zone Mask ON 11010001 Privacy Zone Mask OFF 11010011 Privacy Zone Mask Setting Save 11010110 Privacy Zone Mask Setup Entry 11010111 Privacy Zone Mask Setup Exit (disable by manual IRIS control) (disable by manual FOCUS control) (disable Auto Pan status) available in 25X model (display privacy zone mask) available in 25X model (turn off privacy zone mask) available in 25X model (save setting value) available in 25X model (setup enter) available in 25X model (setup exit) COMMAND - 1 ( Receiver to System ) Byte l | RECEIVER ADDR ( 00lh - 040h ) | Byte 2 | 000H | Byte 3 | ll000XXX Bit 0 AUTO PAN STATUS Bit l AUTO FOCUS STATUS Bit 2 AUTO IRIS STATUS l - ON 0 - OFF |
содержание: [стр.Начало] [стр.1] [стр.2] [стр.3] [стр.4]